Association Européenne des Facultés Libres

AEFLIB presentation

The following universities sharing values of Christian Humanism wish to join forces to enhance their cooperation through exchanges of professors and students, research projects, publications, conferences and meetings.

The association is a forum for reflection, discussion and proposals leading to concrete projects and offering opportunities to develop and promote education in the context of Christian humanism.

Its role is also to develop a proposal for each of the States as well as for the European Community concerning policies for free higher education.

Therefore, AEFLib has become a preferred contact to the European Parliament for questions of Freedom of Education, in collaboration with OIDEL.

The two organizations participate in regular meetings with members of Parliament, organize seminars and have created an informal group within Parliament to discuss these questions.

AEFLib offers to share its contacts and acquaintances in the European Parliament to new European universities wishing to develop relationships with Europe or transmit messages or work on certain subjects.

The association will also initiate proposals for each member state of the European Union in the field of private Higher education and engage in such actions that may encourage contributions of national and international institutions.

Founding Members: The Association was founded on 12/11/2008 in Paris, and the founding members are:
- Austria: Internationales Theologisches Institut
- France: the members of UNFL (
- Tchekie: Cevro Institute
- Spain: Abat Oliba

The University of San Pablo, Madrid (Spain) has to become members in 2009.

Status: non-profit association with headquarters in Paris

Financing: each member/establishment will contribute to finance a light coordinating structure; an annual fee is voted every year by the General Assembly.

Specific actions (meetings, publications…) should be financed after approval and on a specific budget.

The association has organized in 2013, april 13 a conference on “Civil Society and Higher Private Education in Europe”.


Board members

- Chairman: Michel Boyancé, President, Professor and Dean Emeritus
- Vice-Chairmen: Alessandro Mini, Vice-Rector, Abat Oliba Ceu
- Executive President: Bertrand Doncieux