IPC – Facultés libres de Philosophie et de Psychologie

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Academic studies





Located in the « heart » of Paris, IPC is dedicated to his students with more than 50 years of expereience. It’s an EESPIG (Higher Education Institution of General Interest) in contract with the State. IPC offers 6 university courses within human and social sciences and following the Parcoursup » procedure. It proposes as well 3 institution’s degrees. Ipc aims to prepare, through philosophy, tomorrow’s executives in various field of the profesionnal word : Management, Human ressources, Communication, Journalism, Marketing, Trade, Teaching Education ...etc

IPC is a school of excellence which allows to develop a sense of responsability and challenges in a changing world where evidence needs to be questioned with inteligence and courage.

Our Trainig courses :
1. License in Philosphy
2. License in Psychology
3. Double License Philosophy-Psychology
4. Joint Degree Philosophy-Law (Partnership with ICES, Institut Catholique de Vendée, in order to validate two licences in 3 years)
5. Joint Degree Philosophy-Political Science (Partnership with ICES, Institut Catholique de Vendée , in order to validate both licences in 3 years)
6. Préfo : Year of discerment and orientation towards educational sectors, human sciences , art and culture (in partnership with la « Fondation des Apprentis d’Auteuil » and with the quality label « Paréo » october 2020)
7. Magister of Philosophy (formation Bac +4 and Bac +5 in philosophy, institution’degree)
8. Certificate in Philosophy for the students of « Ecole de Commerce de Rennes » (186 hours, institution’s degree from IPC)
9. Certificate «Medical and Philosophy » for students preparing medicine at « Collège Stanislas, Paris » (75 hours a year during 3 years, institution’s degree from IPC)

All our licences are issued by the Rectorat de Paris with exception of the licences of Law and Political Sciences ,issued by Rectorat de Nantes within the partnership with ICES (Institut Catholique de Vendée)


IPC has created a internal postraduate research team, working around 3 topics :
1 : « Philosophy and uses of scientific discourses »
2 : « Philosophy, Organizations and Institutions »
3 : « Psychology and Health »

IPC has also 2 teaching Chairs :
1. The Chair Karol Wojtyla, whith the objective of valorizing an ethic based on a realistic antropology and ordinate to common good
2. The Chair Charles de Koninck, with the objective of valorizing with the the tools of the logic , natural philosophy in the vision of metaphysics.


1. First editions : Presses Universitaires de l’IPC (Series « Art and Philosophy » « Références »
2. Analogia (annual scientific review)
3. Les Cahiers de l’IPC (Review for promoting research)